Discrete and continuous simulation: theory and practice Bandyopadhyay, Susmita, Bhattacharya, Ranjan Boca Raton : CRC Press, [2014] ISBN: 9781466596399 Discrete-event system simulation Banks, Jerry Upper Saddle River : Pearson Prentice Hall, [2005] ISBN: 0131446797 Feedback control of dynamic systems Franklin, Gene F., Powell, J. David, Emami-Naeini, Abbas Upper Saddle River : Pearson Prentice Hall, [2005] ISBN: 9781292068909 From chaos to order: methodologies, perspectives, and applications Chen, G., Dong, Xiaoning Singapore River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, [1998] ISBN: 9810225695 Chaos and nonlinear dynamics: an introduction for scientists and engineers Hilborn, Robert C. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2000] ISBN: 0198507232 Modeling complex systems Boccara, Nino, New York, NY : Springer, [2010] ISBN: 9781441965615 Modeling random systems Cogdell, JR Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, [2004] ISBN: 0131414372 Modeling and simulation of complex systems: how to better understand the world Pélanek, Radek, Brno : Masaryk University, [2011] ISBN: 9788021053182 Nonlinear systems Chelikovsky, Sergej, In Prague : Czech Technical University, [2006] ISBN: 8001034356 Numerical methods for solving flow problems II Kozel, Karel, Fort, Jaroslav Prague: Czech Technical University Publishing House, [2003] ISBN: 8001026752 Numerical simulations of dynamical systems: a supplementary study Černá, Růžena, Peterka, František, Čipera, Stanislav Prague: Czech Technical University Publishing House, [1995] ISBN: 8001013707 Principles of modeling and simulation: a multidisciplinary approach Sokolowski, John A., Banks, Catherine M. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley, [2009] ISBN: 9780470289433 Randomnicity: rules and randomness in the realm of the infinite Tsonis, Anastasios A. London : Imperial College Press, [2008] ISBN: 1848161972 Stabilization and motion control of unstable objects Formal'sky, Aleksandr Moiseevich Berlin Boston : De Gruyter, [2015] ISBN: 9783110375824 Statistical thermodynamics Boublík, Tomas Prague : Academia, [1996] ISBN: 8020005668 The art of modeling dynamic systems: forecasting for chaos, randomness, and determinism Morrison, Foster Mineola, NY : Dover Publications, [2008] ISBN: 9780486462950 Introduction to Nonlinear Physics Fiala, Jiří, Skála, Lubomír Prague : Matfyzpress, [2008] ISBN: 9788073780517 Continuum mechanics: density, navier-stokes equations, momentum, rheology, fluid, non-Newtonian fluid, Laminar flow, surface tension, ductility, fluid statics, shear stress, plasticity, metamaterial, finite strain theory, acoustic metamaterials, viscosity Memphis : Books LLC, [2011] ISBN: 9781157430056
Inverse distribution
Matt Ebb Weighted Randomness in Vex
Keenan Crane
Eulerian path (Carl Hierholzer algorithm)
Wave function collapse
Brachistochrone curve
Temporal coherence
Complexity and Chaos Theory in Art (Jay Kappraff)
Wilson cloud chamber