typical challenges

Spectator, or author, from their point of view,
expect the plot to develop in a certain way.

Liquid stories

  • sugar falls into milk and the crown-splash forms a cow
  • water flowing from the ewer forms shape of a flower

Pyro / smoke / steam stories

  • steam raising from the coffee forms shape of a noose
  • fire flames form a shape of heart
  • smoke rising from the cigarette forms shape of a scalpel

Particle stories

  • flour thrown in the air forms shape of a deer
  • rain drops form shape of a carriage vehicle, in the air

Rigid body stories

  • plate falls, breaks and the shards form a silhouette of knife
  • mountain breaks, stones slip and fall and form shape of human figure

Soft body stories

  • hair, after being cut by scissors, fall on the ground, and form letters
  • balloon jumps up the stairs, deflates and forms a shape of

Crowd stories

  • flying birds form a silhouette of hand, with their wings
  • running rats, seen from above, form a silhouette of a pipe (instrument)

Growth stories

  • tree branches grow and form outline of wolfs head
  • wine plant grows on the building and shape silhouette of a glass